Our Governing Body
Governors work closely with the headteacher, school staff and representatives from the local authority (LA) and Chester Diocese.
Governor Committee Structure
Governor |
Designation |
Appointed by |
Term of Office |
Pecuniary/ Non Pecuniary Interest/ Finance interest |
Committee Chair and Responsibilities | Governance roles in other educational institutions |
Jane Ashworth |
Staff Governor |
Staff |
25.09.2024 to 25.09.2028 |
Teaching Assistant |
None | |
Pauline Bentliff |
DBE Ex Officio Foundation Governor |
Chester Diocese |
18.12.2023 to 30.09.2027 |
N/A |
Curriculum chair | None |
Katrina Cole |
Co-opted | Governors | 30.03.2022 ongoing | Deputy Headteacher | None | |
Nicola Smart |
Parent Governor | Parents | 17.11.2021 to 17.11.2025 |
Parent |
None | |
Simon Haughton |
Parent Governor |
Parents |
06.10.22 to 05.10.26 |
Parent |
Chair of governors Resource chair Pay committee |
None |
Lynn Hepplestone
LA Governor | LA | 22.11.2023 to 21.11.2027 | Grandparent | None | |
Kerry Mycock |
PCC Foundation Governor |
Chester Diocese |
19.09.2022 to 18.07.2026 |
Parent |
Vice chair of governors Pay committee |
None |
Sue Lane |
Headteacher |
Governors |
Ongoing |
Headteacher |
None | |
Jonathan Mason | Parent Governor | Parent | 13.11.2024 to 12.11.2028 | Parent | None |
Committee Terms of Reference
Full Governing Body:
Strategic Leadership and Accountability:
- In collaboration with school leaders determine a clear and explicit vision for the future. Ensure this is communicated to the whole organisation.
- Set strong and clear values and ensure these are embedded across the organisation and adhered to.
- Determine the strategic direction for the school.
- Monitor and evaluate pupil progress and attainment by receiving reports and information from the Headteacher and other school leaders; compare against national and local benchmarks over time.
- Receive reports from committees, working parties or individuals and agree actions.
- Approve the school evaluation and monitor throughout the year.
- Approve the School Improvement Plan priorities and monitor throughout the year progress towards agreed actions.
- Ensure there is a transparent system for performance management of all staff which is clearly linked to the school’s priorities.
- Ensure there are mechanisms in place to listen to and respond to the views of parents/carers, pupils, staff, local communities and employers.
- Agree recruitment process to be followed in relation to Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher posts; where delegated ratify appointments.
- Final approval of the annual budget plan.
- Monitor the school’s budget throughout the year.
- Agree virement and expenditure limits for the Headteacher.
- Hold at least 3 meetings each academic year. Ensure that committee meetings are held in accordance with the agreed terms of reference.
People and Structures:
- Elect and/or remove Chair of Governors and Vice Chair of Governors.
- Appoint Committee Chairs or delegate to each committee.
- Consider and agree delegation of functions to individuals or committees.
- Agree committee terms of reference and membership.
- Establish a register of Governors outside interests.
- Ensure Governors information on the Get Information About Schools (GIAS) register and the school website is up to date and compliant with current requirements.
- Confirm the Instrument of Government and subsequent amendments.
- Appoint Co-opted, Local Authority and where necessary Parent Governors to the Board.
- Review and monitor the Governor Induction Process.
- Have regard for Governors professional development.
- Where necessary, suspend or remove Governors from the Board.
- Appoint/dismiss the Clerk to the Governing Body.
Compliance and Evaluation:
- Consider business provided by Local Authority and other sources
- Suspend or end suspension of staff members.
- Ensure all statutory policies are in place and there is an effective policy review cycle.
- Review and agree the Governor Code of Conduct.
- Confirm arrangements for completion of a Governor Skills Audit.
- Ensure there is regular self-evaluation and review of individual’s contribution to the Board as well as the Board’s overall operation and effectiveness.
- As necessary, consider an external review of the Board’s effectiveness.
- Ensure school website is up to date and compliant with current DfE requirements.
The Curriculum Committee
- Ensuring that the school meets health and safety requirements and review the schools H&S policy regularly.
- Ensuring that PE is taught as part of the school curriculum and monitoring the quality and adequacy of provision.
- Promoting an ethos that encourages participation in competitive sport both within the school and between schools.
- Monitoring nutritional standards within the school to include school meals, snack provision and food available during wrap-around provision.
- Ensure that the school’s policy on SEN is consistent with the code of practice and Equality Act and that arrangements are made to ensure the policy is monitored and reviewed regularly. The policy is known to parents and carers.
- Consider developing a whole school drugs policy.
- Decide whether or not to provide sex and relationships education and consult parents (Primary). Agree the content and organisation of the school’s programme of sex and relationship education and notify parents of their right to withdraw their child (all schools that choose to provide S&R education).
- Monitor pupils’ attitudes, values and how other personal qualities are developed within the school through the provision of RE and PHSCE and that parents are told of their right to withdraw their child.
- Ensure the effective integration of children with SEN.
- Consider the provision of sex and drugs education.
- Ensure that adequate provision is made to make the building safe and secure, Health and Safety policy.
- Ensure the school is fulfilling its responsibilities regarding child protection and the requirements of “Working Together to Safeguard Children”.
- Anti-Bullying and Behaviour Policies.
- Ensure that buildings and the learning environment are maintained and fit for purpose.
- Oversee the use of the premises by outside users.
- Establish and keep under review an asset management /building development plan.
- Establish and keep under review an Accessibility Plan.
- Conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of education achievement (SSFA 1998).
- Set targets for achievement at KS1and KS2. Monitor the school’s performance against these targets.
- Monitor the achievement of disadvantaged groups and the impact of policies on race, SEN, Looked After Children and Disability on pupils, parents and communities.
- Contribute to the development and monitoring of the School Improvement Plan and the SEF.
- Ensure that every child receives the full statutory curriculum that the school must provide.
- Ensure that a report on each pupil’s educational achievements is forwarded to their parents/ guardians annually.
- Set attendance targets and monitor the school’s performance against these targets.
- Ensure the school has a curriculum policy that meets pupils’ needs.
- Ensure the school has policies on Race and Disability Discrimination.
- In general terms, monitor teaching and learning and the progress of pupils.
- Monitor the provision of extra-curricular activities including overnight stays provided to encourage recreation and social development.
- Ensure the quality of education, teaching and learning (see Enjoy and Achieve re promoting high standards).
- Plan to raise standards of achievement and monitor the school’s performance.
- Consider out-of-hours provision (wrap around provision, study support, extended schools).
- Ensure the school works well with its community, parents and other schools.
- Ensure the school meets the requirements of the SEN and relevant disability legislation.
- Ensure the school works effectively with other agencies to support vulnerable children and their families.
- Ensure the school has an effective behaviour and anti-bullying policy. Monitor the implementation of this policy and its impact.
- Monitor the development of pupils’ attitudes, values and other personal qualities.
- Aims and values for the school are agreed and positive ethos for the school is promoted. Policy decisions are consistent with the agreed aims, values and ethos.
- Ensure that the school has an effective school council. The Governing Body takes account of the school council in determining the way in which the school is conducted.
- The school promotes inclusive policies that allow for the achievement of all pupils.
- Ensure that adequate provision is made for transition between primary and secondary education.
- Ensure that the school fulfils its statutory responsibilities in terms of Race discrimination.
- Ensure each child is able to reach their potential including the gifted and talented (differentiation).
- Act as Pupil Discipline Committee for Permanent/Fixed Term exclusions.
The Resources Committee
- In conjunction with the Headteacher to draft the first formal budget plan of the financial year, for approval by the full Governing Body.
- To establish and maintain an up to date 3 year financial plan.
- To monitor income and expenditure, including virement decisions, significant anomalies from the anticipated position and report termly to the Governing Body.
- To ensure the school operates within the financial regulations of the County Council and the requirements of the DfE Schools Financial Value Standards
- To monitor expenditure of all voluntary funds kept on behalf of the Governing Body.
- To annually review charges and remissions policies and expenses policies.
- To make decisions in respect of service level agreements.
- To make decisions on expenditure following recommendations from other committees.
- To prepare financial statements for inclusion in any reports to parents.
- To ensure as far as is practical that any Health and Safety (H&S) issues are appropriately funded in accordance with priorities.
Governor Attendance for 2021-2025
Governor Attendance for 2024 - 2025
Governors are invited to all committees which are held in school. Schools are required to display a record of Governor’s attendance at meetings for each school academic year. As well as the Full Governing Body Meetings, members of the Governing Body meet for the Curriculum Committee and the Resources Committee.
✓ – Attended meeting
A/A – Apologies sent and accepted by meeting
N – Did not attend
X – Not a member of the committee
Record of Attendance 2024-2025
J Ashworth |
L Hepplestone |
P Bentliff |
K Cole |
S Haughton |
S Lane |
K Mycock |
N. Fitton | J. Mason |
Resources Autumn 2024 |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
A/A |
✓ | X |
Curriculum Autumn 2024 |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
A/A | X |
Full Gov Body Autumn 2024 |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ | ✓ |
Resources Spring 2024 |
Curriculum Spring 2025 |
Full Gov Body Spring 2025 |
Resources Summer 2025 |
Curriculum Summer 2025 |
Full Gov Body Summer 2025 |
School's Financial Benchmarking
The school's financial benchmarking website allows school to view our school's financial data, see how it compares with others and use the information to establish relationships with other schools or multi-academy trusts.The school's financial benchmarking link is here.