Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
- The school has a supportive Christian ethos where pupils can be individuals, develop respect for others and be respected themselves. Christian values underpin all aspects of the school’s work
- We offer pupils the opportunity to develop a sense of purpose based on agreed Christian Values
- Pupils are encouraged to be reflective during collective worship and in R.E and PSHE lessons
- Celebration assembly enables pupils to share and celebrate their and other pupil’s, successes and achievements. Celebrating talents allows pupils to develop a sense of self
- Pupils take part in prayer and are helped to reflect on how biblical messages are relevant to their lives today
- Pupils visit special places e.g. Holy Trinity Church and Chester Cathedral
- We have a rich and varied curriculum and seek to develop creative and imaginative responses to art and music. Pupils are encouraged to explore, develop and grow
- During the school day there is time for peace, happiness and tranquillity
- A clear moral code provides the basis for behaviour and this is promoted consistently through all aspects of school life
- Policies and curriculum planning provide opportunities for children to explore questions of right and wrong and explore moral codes. Pupils and staff discuss the outcomes and consequences of actions
- Pupils regularly raise funds for related charities and understand what is happening in other parts of the world
- Pupils feel comfortable to express their views and show good sportsmanship
- Children participate in community projects such as gardening, litter picking and sport
- The school environment, through display etc., reinforces the values of the school community
- School rules, rewards and sanctions are clearly defined and understood
- Staff and older children act as role models during everyday life
- We teach the difference between right and wrong and adults consistently model, through the quality of relationships in school, fairness, integrity, justice, respect and conflict resolution
- Class rules are drawn up by the children and teacher at the beginning of the year
- Code of conducts are used for internet safety
- We foster a sense of community and our pupils are tolerant and respectful of difference. We promote equality
- We take opportunities to help those less fortunate than ourselves.
- New pupils adjust well to the school and are firmly accepted by their classmates
- We develop our pupils’ leadership skills and give them opportunities to exercise responsibility: for example through the School Council, Ethos Group, Playground Leaders and Junior Librarians
- Playground leaders – several children are trained in playground leadership – they promote fair play and introduce games to the children at break times
- School Council – meet half termly to look at ways to improve our school
- A range of afterschool clubs are offered and are usually oversubscribed
- Residential trips are offered in upper KS2 to promote positive experiences
- Every half term pupils join with other pupils from local schools to participate in sports contests at local high schools
- We recognise and nurture pupils’ particular gifts and talents. All are encouraged to be the best that they can be
- We provide opportunities for pupils to participate in literature, drama, music, art, crafts and other cultural events and encourage pupils to reflect on their significance
- We develop partnerships with outside agencies and individuals to extend pupils’ cultural awareness, for example, theatre, museum, artists and gallery visits
- We reinforce the school’s cultural experiences through display